Employee relocation from:




How to Relocate an Employee from Syria to Germany

Relocating an employee from Syria to Germany can be a complex process, but with the right guidance, it can be a successful experience for both the employer and the employee. This guide provides an overview of the relocation process, including visa options, relocation planning, arrival in Germany, and settling in Germany.

Visa Options

For information on visa options available in Germany, please refer to our blog post on Germany Visa Options and Requirements. This will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the different visa options available for foreign workers in Germany.

Relocation Planning

Relocation planning is a critical aspect of relocating an employee from Syria to Germany. As an employer, it's essential to consider the following:

  • Arranging Transportation: Book flights and arrange for airport pickup or transportation to the employee's accommodation.
  • Accommodation Options: Research and book temporary or permanent accommodation for the employee, considering factors such as proximity to work, safety, and amenities.
  • Health Insurance: Research and arrange for health insurance that covers the employee in Germany.
  • Opening a Bank Account in Germany: Provide information on how to open a bank account in Germany, including required documents and procedures.
  • Obtaining a Residence Permit: Assist the employee in obtaining a residence permit, including providing necessary documents and information.

Arrival in Germany

When the employee arrives in Germany, they will need to:

  • Register with the Local Authorities: Register with the local authorities, known as the "Einwohnermeldeamt" or "Bürgeramt".
  • Obtain a Residence Permit: Obtain a residence permit, known as the "Aufenthaltstitel".
  • Employer Assistance: As an employer, you can assist with this process by providing information and support.

Settling in Germany

After arriving in Germany, the employee will need to settle into their new life. As an employer, you can assist with:

  • Finding Accommodation: Provide information on finding permanent accommodation, including websites, real estate agents, and neighborhoods to consider.
  • Opening a Bank Account: Provide information on opening a bank account, including required documents and procedures.
  • Registering with the Local Health Insurance Provider: Assist the employee in registering with the local health insurance provider.


Relocating an employee from Syria to Germany can be a complex process, but with the right guidance, it can be a successful experience for both the employer and the employee. By researching and planning the relocation process, exploring visa options, and providing assistance with relocation planning, arrival in Germany, and settling in Germany, employers can ensure a smooth transition for their employees.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance with relocating an employee from Syria to Germany, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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